Members of the DuPont community gathered Wednesday night for a candlelight vigil, organized by Cub Scout Pack #472 and Boy Scout Troop #472, to honor the victims of the derailed Amtrak train.
“These scouts decided that tonight we’d get together and reflect on what it means to be neighbors, what it means to be friends and what it means to be scouts,” said Leo Gruba, incoming City Council member.
"We as the city of DuPont, and we as neighbors across the great state of Washington, will never forget those who were affected by this deep tragedy," Gruba said.
A crowd of community members gathered to participate in a moment of silence and to listen as the scouts sang "Silent Night."
“This will always leave a point in the hearts of all of us in DuPont, but keep in mind those who have been permanently scarred and those families that have received the worst possible news,” said DuPont mayor Mike Courts.