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00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f2b910000KUOW is joining forces with other Seattle media outlets to highlight the homeless crisis in the city and region on Wednesday, June 29, 2017.The effort was modeled after a collaboration by more than 70 San Francisco outlets to focus a day of news attention on the issue and possible solutions.Read more about the Seattle project and check out our coverage below. Follow the city's coverage by using #SeaHomeless.HighlightsThe Jungle: an ongoing coverage project going into the notorious homeless encampment under Interstate 5.Ask Seattle's Homeless Community: KUOW is launching a Facebook group where anyone may ask a question about homelessness, but only people who have experienced it may answer. This was inspired by a recent event KUOW co-presented with Seattle Public Library and Real Change, where residents of the Jungle answered audience questions. No End In Sight: an award-winning investigative project from KUOW about King County's 10-year plan to end homelessness.

List of locations narrows down for Bellevue men's shelter

Two locations are being considered for the homeless men's shelter. One of them is the Eastgate Public Health Center (top right).
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Two locations are being considered for the homeless men's shelter. One of them is the Eastgate Public Health Center (top right).

Bellevue officials narrowed down where to place a homeless men’s shelter at a meeting Monday night. There were three potential locations: the Eastgate Public Health Center, a site in the Wilburton neighborhood, and an operations maintenance facility (OMF East) owned by Sound Transit.

Bellevue Mayor John Stokes said they decided to drop the Wilburton site.

“The next step is continuing to move forward with the planning work on the Eastgate facility,” Stokes said. “In the meantime we’re taking a look at [OMF East] to see if that’s feasible. And then how that might work into what our goals are.”

Steve Roberts is with Congregations for the Homeless. He’s the project manager for the shelter’s permanent location and said the two given choices are fairly the same but spoke on their differences.

“The Eastgate site has a little bit more transportation,” Roberts said. “The OMF East is a lot more expensive.”

Does Roberts have a preference?

“The sooner we can get a site, the sooner we can begin to get more people off the street and out of homelessness into housing,” he said. “So that’s my only concern is that without a clear decision, it makes it a little harder to move forward.”

Bellevue City Council members will be the ones making the call on the site’s final destination.

They’re scheduled to meet again on June 26.