If you compare the tone of the Republican convention with Bill Clinton's speech on Tuesday night and Michelle Obama's two nights ago, you could argue that the Democrats are more positive.
But that’s what you see on stage. These are giant theatrical productions.
When Obama spoke, for example, it was a great speech.
But behind the scenes we watched volunteers rush to get hundreds of Michelle signs into the hands of delegates. It’s a show.
The reality is some people at the Philly convention are very happy with Hillary Clinton’s nomination. Others are kind of ho-hum about it.
And a lot of the Bernie Sanders folks are pretty unhappy, even among Washington’s delegation – some of them walked out after Clinton’s nomination and joined a protest at the media center at the convention.
So the tone of the convention is, say, mixed. There’s some bitterness here, even if the speeches are very positive.
Moments of momentousness
Still, it was a historic night.
A couple of moments stood out, like civil rights leader and Georgia Congressman John Lewis giving his nominating speech for Hillary Clinton.
A 102-year-old woman cast Arizona's delegate votes for Clinton. She was born before women could vote in this country. Delegates said that really got to them.
And then Sanders asked the convention to nominate Clinton by acclamation.
“Our dream has come true and so it’s all emotional, it’s so wonderful for the country but it’s really wonderful for the future,” said Pamela Eakes, floor captain for the Hillary Clinton delegates from Washington.
“Because young girls right now can look up and they’re going to see a president who is a mother, a woman. And they know that they can have those same aspirations."
Jessica Beckett was also impressed with the moment – even though she’s a Bernie delegate.
“I could really, really sense the pride and happiness,” she said. “It means so much to so many women to see this. Hillary wasn’t my first choice in candidate, but I know how much she means to so many people. And it was special to witness that.”
But Beckett isn’t giving up on the political movement that Sanders started.
“We don’t get to stop fighting. We always have to fight,” she said. “I think Hillary is a better candidate for Bernie Sanders.
And I think that she will be a better president for this movement.”
[asset-images[{"caption": "Bernie Sanders addresses the Washington state delegates at breakfast Wednesday morning.", "fid": "128271", "style": "placed_wide", "uri": "public://201607/20160727-BernieSanders-KW.jpg", "attribution": "Credit KUOW Photo/Kate Walters"}]]Wednesday morning, Sanders spoke to the Washington delegates at their breakfast meeting.
He told them that, indeed, they had to keep going.
“The future of the Democratic Party, and in fact the future of America is with our agenda,” he said to cheers.
Listen to his full address:
Green Party candidate Jill Stein showed up in the convention center Tuesday night. In fact, she appeared just above where Washington state was voting.
She was mobbed by cameras. And a chant started up: “Bernie or Jill, Bernie or Jill …”
And then some Hillary supporters were yelling: “Go home, Jill!”