Facebook posts, tweets and Instagram photos poured out after the Supreme Court ruled that marriage is right for all Americans, including the nation's lesbian and gay citizens. Washington state has had same-sex marriage since 2012, but there was robust debate on social media around the state about the court's ruling.
Over at the Spokane Spokesman-Review's website, one reader found a parallel from earlier in his own life:
"ChefGus: I feel like I am reliving life ... my first marriage was to a Japanese woman from Hawaii ... In 1965 our marriage was 'a felony' illegal in 14 states ... until Loving v Virginia ... and now my dearest daughter Britta is free to marry anyone she chooses ... (once married to a woman in the window in California, now dating a very nice man)"
Another noted the context of a week of high-profile events:
Oh look: Confederate flag banned ... Obamacare upheld ... Gay marriage upheld ... Very bad week for hatemongers and conservatives all around.
But others responded that nothing had really changed:
dillbom: I still live cleanly, even if some around me have had their behavior legitimized in the eyes of the government.
booty_malone: It may be legal in fifty states but it is not and never will be marriage.
This poster on KUOW's Facebook viewed the news through a libertarian lens:
[asset-images[{"caption": "", "fid": "118605", "style": "placed_wide", "uri": "public://201506/20150626-gay-marriage-kuow-1.JPG", "attribution": ""}]]Commenters on the Spokesman-Review's Facebook page also made that argument:
April Miller: So I'm not against it in any way but doesn't this violate states rights? As parents and educators we cried fowl when the federal government made all states adopt the common core because they were violating states rights, but this is OK?
Tim Mahnke: April said it perfectly. As I'm not against gay marriage either, but in no way should the federal government be involved in this ... this is far beyond the scope of what the federal government was established for.
A commenter on KUOW's Facebook page thought same-sex marriage should have been tackled by Congress:
[asset-images[{"caption": "", "fid": "118606", "style": "placed_wide", "uri": "public://201506/20150626-gay-marriage-kuow-2.JPG", "attribution": ""}]]But the majority of social media commentary seemed to support the decision. "It all comes down to equal dignity in the eyes of the law," Kyle Root commented on the Tri-City Herald's Facebook page:
The founding fathers understood that we were all equal under God whether we all agree or not. These principles are what allow this great society to flourish and afford us the opportunity to pursue our dreams. Good triumph(s) over evil today.
Back in the Seattle area:
[asset-audio[{"description": "Ahead of Pridefest in Seattle, people talk about what pride means to them.", "fid": "118641", "uri": "public://201506/RECORD_20160626_PRIDEVOX_0.mp3"}]]
[asset-images[{"caption": "", "fid": "118608", "style": "placed_wide", "uri": "public://201506/20150626-gay-marriage-kuow-3.JPG", "attribution": ""}]]