Amazon tells Seattle it wants to see other cities and announces plans for a second headquarters in another North American metropolis.
The only Republican Congressman from the Puget Sound area said this week he won't run for another term. Who will take over for Rep. Dave Reichert?
A Seattle Seahawk who's been sitting during the national anthem to call attention to racial inequity and police mistreatment of minorities said he was violently profiled and assaulted by a Las Vegas cop two weeks ago.
And smoke and ash are back in Seattle skies, thanks to wildfires near the Canadian border and another at the Columbia Gorge that was at least partly started by teenagers playing with fireworks. Listen to the show at noon and join the discussion on Twitter using #KUOWwir.
Get caught up on the week's news:
- Geekwire: Seattle leaders respond to Amazon plans to establish second HQ outside its hometown
- Seattle Times: Washington AG Ferguson says lawsuit over DACA will show Trump's bias
- KING 5: Rep. Dave Reichert will not seek re-election after 7 terms
Our panel this week:
Natalie Brand @nataliebrandK5, political reporter at KING 5
Christopher Parker @blackbruin, political science professor at the University of Washington
Bill Bryant @billbryantWA, former Port of Seattle Commissioner