Ross Reynolds talks with Sheryl Wiser of the Cascade Harvest Coalition about her favorite gifts from the farm, many of which can be found at local farmers markets — many of which are still open during the winter months.
[asset-images[{"caption": "Preserves from a farmers market makes a great and easy gift.", "fid": "7910", "style": "card_280", "uri": "public://201312/preserves.jpg", "attribution": "Credit Courtesy of Sheryl Wiser"}]]Her suggestions include preserves, handmade baskets, wreaths, soaps, lotions and honey.
But she says it's important to be cautious about gifting a Community Supported Agriculture subscription. This program allows you to pay a membership to a farm in exchange for a delivery of fresh goods from the farm, like produce or fruit boxes. Although a great program to be involved in, Wiser says that a CSA is as individual as a fingerprint and comes with responsibility for the person receiving it, so make sure to check before signing someone up!