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Thank You!

Please join us in thanking the many KUOW supporters who help make our pledge drives successful!


Volunteers donate their time answering phones and taking pledges. Community businesses offer food and in–kind donations and our members provide the funding that makes KUOW's programming possible. We are very grateful for your generous support — we couldn't do it without all of you!


For their generous donations of food and snacks we thank Chaco Canyon CaféChocolopolisChoice Organic Teas Custom PureDougal McRays BBQ Elliott Bay Brewing CompanyEltana Wood Fired Bagel CaféFitFoods SeattleHomegrown Sustainable Sandwich ShopMadison KitchenMioposto PizzeriaMystery Bay Seafood of Port TownsendPagliacci Pizza,  the new owners of Seattle's Own Shortbread,  University District ParkingStumptown CoffeeTerra Organics Top Pot DoughnutsTutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzaria.


Very special thanks to Delivery Express for delivering food donations to KUOW throughout the drive.


KUOW would like to thank our premium donors: AEG and The Key Arena, Seattle Theater Group and  Seattle Arts and Lectures


Very special thanks to our volunteer groups for donating their time! They include SEAPAX, Seattle Area Peace Corps AssociationExpedia.  


KUOW thanks the generous individuals and entities that provided matching challenges during our drives. They include Tim Kerr & Cynthia Wells, Daniel & Lee, A long-time Broadcast Circle Family, Jon Wagher & Brooke Davis, Carl & Joann Bianco, Ruth Fluke, A Broadcasters Circle Family from Bainbridge Island, Betty Wagner, a listener on Camano Island, John & Jeff in Seattle, the Shapiro Family Foundation, Inara Schermer, Jack and Merritt on Whidbey Island, Friends of the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Broadcasters Circle listeners in Mt. Vernon, Noel & Jose, the Leslie Fund, the McGee Family, members of the Seattle Chapter of the Association for India’s Development, an anonymous Wallingford family, Alison Danz, a supporter of PeaceTrees Vietnam, 26 anonymous Broadcasters Circle members and KUOW’s Board and Board of Directors Alumni.