Sharon Pruitt-Young A half-shredded Banksy piece is auctioned for $25.4 million, a record for the artist Sharon Pruitt-Young Researchers are asking for volunteer 'walrus detectives' to spot walruses from space Sharon Pruitt-Young NHL announces that all but 4 players are vaccinated Sharon Pruitt-Young Lebanon's central electricity grid shuts down as fuel shortages continue Sharon Pruitt-Young A mountaineering group is aiming to be the 1st all-Black team to climb Mount Everest Sharon Pruitt-Young You can now search for flights on Google based on carbon emissions Sharon Pruitt-Young The 'Poohsticks Bridge,' made famous in Winnie the Pooh, has gone up for auction Sharon Pruitt-Young The nation's largest public library system is ending late fees forever Sharon Pruitt-Young The Vinland Map, Thought To Be The Oldest Map Of America, Is Officially A Fake Sharon Pruitt-Young YouTube Is Banning All Content That Spreads Vaccine Misinformation Sharon Pruitt-Young Load More