Robert "Bobbito" Garcia
Robert "Bobbito" Garcia, also known as world-renowned DJ Bobbito Garcia, is the co-host of NPR's podcast What's Good with Stretch and Bobbito. In the show, Stretch and Bobbito interview cultural influencers, bringing their warmth, humor, and a fresh perspective. In the 1990s, radio duo Stretch and Bobbito were pivotal figures in the evolution of hip-hop as a worldwide cultural phenomenon.
Bobbito is the critically acclaimed author of Where'd You Get Those? NYC's Sneaker Culture: 1960-1987 (Testify Books). The former NY Knicks/MSG Network halftime reporter was the voice of EA Sports' popular NBA Street video game and TV host of ESPN's "It's the Shoes" series. In 2007, Nike released seven co-designed Air Force 1 sneakers bearing his signature. As an award-winning filmmaker, Garcia has directed two documentaries: Doin' It In The Park: Pick-Up Basketball, NYC and Stretch and Bobbito: Radio That Changed Lives. Currently, "Kool Bob Love" is directing an autobiographical documentary titled Rock Rubber 45s, and produces his tournament Full Court 21™ All World in four continents.