Adwoa Gyimah-Brempong
ProducerYear started with KUOW: 2017
Adwoa Gyimah-Brempong is a producer on The Record. A multimedia storyteller and editor, she has lived and worked on five continents.
Most recently, Adwoa was IDEO's storytelling fellow; she also served as producer for The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture's HatchLabs. She has designed and implemented communications and outreach program at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, Evidence for Policy Design at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, and for agricultural development projects with IFDC Nigeria.
As Community Engagement Fellow in Prose at Mills College from 2013-15, she designed and implemented a digital storytelling workshop for immigrant and refugee teen girls. In the same capacity, co-produced a student documentary series for KALW public radio. Adwoa holds a Master of Fine Arts from Mills College in Oakland and a Bachelor of Arts from New College of Florida in Sarasota. She is an alumna of the NextGeneration Radio and VONA fellowships.
To see more of Adwoa's KUOW portfolio, please visit our current site.
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