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Should health care for military vets be privatized?

A New Jersey Air National Guard member checks the blood pressure of a homeless veteran
Flickr Photo/New Jersey National Guard (CC-BY-ND-2.0)/
A New Jersey Air National Guard member checks the blood pressure of a homeless veteran

Kim Malcolm talks with Marine Corps veteran Josh Penner and Navy veteran Rebecca Murch about the potential impact of privatizing healthcare services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Penner is the Mayor of Orting, Wash. and runs the PNW Veterans Coalition. Murch is executive director of Seattle Stand Down.

Last week, President Trump fired VA Secretary David Shulkin. Shulkin said he was fired because the Trump administration wants to privatize the VA healthcare system, which he's opposed to.

Year started with KUOW: 2006
Year started with KUOW: 2013