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Decemberists' new album: 'Fewer sea shanties and a lot more black eyeliner'

The Decemberists performing as a folk/rock band in 2011.
Flickr Photo/ann-dabney (CC BY-ND 2.0)/
The Decemberists performing as a folk/rock band in 2011.

The Decemberists are out with a new album Friday. The Portland-based band made a name for themselves as an indie folk/rock band a decade ago. But with a new synth heavy single, like "Severed," it seems the band is taking their sound in a different direction.

KUOW's Emily Fox talks it over with Jerad Walker, music director at OPB music.

"This new record has decidedly fewer sea shanties and a lot more black eyeliner," he said. "It's probably their most adventurous album to date and also probably their best in years."

Note: The Decemberists will play at Seattle's Paramount Theater  on Friday, June 9.