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00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f2b600000Region of Boom is a reporting team at KUOW.We are tracking growth in metropolitan Seattle, which is being reshaped by the demands of a fast-growing technology sector led by Amazon. It’s a boom on a grand scale bestowing wealth and opportunity upon some and disruption and displacement upon others. Take a look at where development is happening now and make sure to tell us what is going on in your own neighborhood.Follow the ongoing discussion at #regionofboomThis project is edited by Carol Smith.

Is Amazon HQ2 headed to the other Washington?

KUOW Photo/Megan Farmer is still building its first headquarters in Seattle while searching for a second headquarters location elsewhere in North America.

Amazon's search for a second headquarters has entered a new phase of courtship: The company has begun making visits to the 20 places on its short list.

And the first candidates to confirm they've met with an Amazon team are all in the Washington, D.C., area.

Seeing first reports of meetings from the Washington, D.C., area is making some wonder if that region is the one. There is other evidence too: That's the only area where multiple places made it to the short list. The area has three jurisdictions with a total of nine sites. And Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has a home in Washington, D.C.

But some shortlisted cities have said they won’t talk about any visits from Amazon, so it’s possible the D.C. area is not actually the first.

It doesn’t take much to launch a wave of speculation over what city will win HQ2’s 50,000 jobs and $5 billion in direct investment. A tiny reference to Austin in Amazon’s Superbowl ad last month was heralded as a “big ole clue” in Texas. And one paper in North Carolina wondered if the ad meant Raleigh was out of the running. 

Amazon issued a statement saying it is excited to “to dive deeper on their proposals and share additional information about the company’s plans." Close observers of the company expect Amazon to be methodical in its pursuit of the right location.