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00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f2b910000KUOW is joining forces with other Seattle media outlets to highlight the homeless crisis in the city and region on Wednesday, June 29, 2017.The effort was modeled after a collaboration by more than 70 San Francisco outlets to focus a day of news attention on the issue and possible solutions.Read more about the Seattle project and check out our coverage below. Follow the city's coverage by using #SeaHomeless.HighlightsThe Jungle: an ongoing coverage project going into the notorious homeless encampment under Interstate 5.Ask Seattle's Homeless Community: KUOW is launching a Facebook group where anyone may ask a question about homelessness, but only people who have experienced it may answer. This was inspired by a recent event KUOW co-presented with Seattle Public Library and Real Change, where residents of the Jungle answered audience questions. No End In Sight: an award-winning investigative project from KUOW about King County's 10-year plan to end homelessness.

Should Seattle restaurants have needle containers?

Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe is a University District coffee shop and a source of vegan dishes.
Facebook Photo/Chaco Canyon
Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe is a University District coffee shop and a source of vegan dishes.

Signs of public drug-taking are all over Seattle’s University District.

But an overflowing container of used needles proved too much for one restaurant customer.

Christopher Rufo said it was the container of needles at Chaco Canyon Organic Café on 12th Avenue Northeast that  got to him.

“It disgusted me. And I think it's symbolic of a larger culture of permissiveness and enablement that I've seen in Seattle,” Rufo said.

Rufo said he’d just let his young son use that restroom.

“You have to take on the responsibility to making sure that it's safe, that it's sanitary,” he said.

Rufo is a fellow at the politically-conservative Discovery Institute based in Seattle. His Facebook post triggered a debate — are public needle containers making using drugs too easy?

Another voice from the University District says no.

“If you have been a homeless drug user before, like I have, it is not easy to be a homeless drug user,” said Shilo Jama, an advocate of safer drug use at the People’s Harm Reduction Alliance.

He agrees that used needle containers should not be allowed to overflow. But he sees something else in the idea of a drug user shooting up in a restaurant bathroom.

“We don't have a safe consumption room. And so those bathrooms become the closest thing. And that's why we support safe consumption rooms," Jama said.

Chaco Canyon said people do use needles, it's not safe, and that's why the containers will stay.