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00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f2b600000Region of Boom is a reporting team at KUOW.We are tracking growth in metropolitan Seattle, which is being reshaped by the demands of a fast-growing technology sector led by Amazon. It’s a boom on a grand scale bestowing wealth and opportunity upon some and disruption and displacement upon others. Take a look at where development is happening now and make sure to tell us what is going on in your own neighborhood.Follow the ongoing discussion at #regionofboomThis project is edited by Carol Smith.

Lots of places want a fast ferry. First they need a dock

KUOW Photo/Megan Farmer
With regional roads full and light rail expansion years away, transit agencies are comtemplating more passenger ferries.

Congestion on regional roads is not expected to get better anytime soon, so more and more communities are considering a Puget Sound commuter ferry.

Agencies in Pierce, Thurston and Island counties are all looking into the possibility. But these agencies have a common problem: where to land on Seattle's crowded waterfront.

John Clauson is head of Kitsap Transit, which started its own fast ferry service last year. He said it's time to find a common dock.

"We should all sit down collectively and look at the waterfront and figure out where long-term does it make sense to have a passenger facility. And I think we need a regional passenger-only facility,” he said in an interview.

“For example, Argosy has docks right next to Colman Dock. Is there something that we could do collectively to improve that facility that could provide access for these other potential uses?"

Clauson said the Argosy dock is only one of the options. There's also Pier 48, south of Yesler Way, which is owned by the state.