President Donald Trump is proposing budget cuts that would deeply impact programs in King County.
The proposal has a long way to go, and ultimately Congress has the final say. But leaders worry about how it might hurt low-income residents.
The plan as currently written would dig into money that the county uses for affordable housing and infrastructure.
The president's budget proposes eliminating funding for community development block grants.
King County Councilman Dave Upthegrove chairs the council's budget committee. He says that money pays for things like sidewalks, sewers and park improvements.
“We assumed in our upcoming budget that we would receive funding for those programs, and we built our budget based on that assumption," Upthegrove said. "If his budget were to move forward, we would be cutting our programs for basic infrastructure and cutting our programs for affordable housing.”
Like the home investment partnership program. Upthegrove says that money helps the county buy and build affordable housing and provide rental assistance.