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KUOW at the RNC: Day 2 brings plagiarism and protests (and the offical nomination)

Washington state Republican delegates get ready to cast their vote for the nomination.
KUOW Photo/Matt Martin
Washington state Republican delegates get ready to cast their vote for the nomination.

Day two of the Republican National Convention started all abuzz over allegations that Melania Trump's speech the night before plagiarized from Michelle Obama's address at the 2008 Democratic convention. The Trump campaign later denied the charge.

Washington's delegates spent part of the day at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame before heading to the convention's evening festivities.

Outside the convention hall, protesters hit the street in what KUOW reporter David Hyde called a "protest pourri" as voices layered on top of each other in support of different issues.

The big event of the night was to formally vote on Donald Trump's nomination. Following tradition, the candidate's home state casts the deciding votes. That honor fell to New York on Tuesday night.

Catch up on the stories:

KUOW: 5 stages of grief for Washington's anti-Trump delegates in Cleveland

KUOW: Fraud, travesty: Washington delegate speaks out about Republican Convention

NPR: The Long History Of Politicians Lifting Words From Other Sources

Follow @KUOW's reporters at the convention: David Hyde (@hyded) and Matt Martin (@matt_martin507).