The new 520 floating bridge has only been open a little over a week. But apparently it's been grating on the ears of some Medina residents.
Medina city officials say that residents there have complained that noise from the bridge has been heard ever since the westbound lanes opened to traffic April 11.
So state transportation officials took action to measure the noise Tuesday. In addition they plan to ask residents just what kind of noise they're hearing and how loud it is.
Officials in Medina say Councilmember Cynthia Adkins has created a survey for residents to fill out about the noise.
Transportation officials plan to have a preliminary noise report ready early next week. That's right around the time that the new floating bridge's eastbound lanes are slated to open to traffic.
Photo: "Nearly 30,000 people were in attendance" by Washington State Department of Transportation on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)