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This fight is tough. Even if you're Beyoncé

KUOW Photo/Megan Farmer
Eula Scott Bynoe is co-host of Battle Tactics For Your Sexist Workplace, as well as Hella Black Hella Seattle

I wish Beyoncé was my boss. (Sorry, boss…she said to herself.)

She’s come so far in her career since she started performing as a little girl. Now she’s a superstar. An icon. The queen.

She’s sold over 100 million records. She fired her long-time manager, her dad, to run her empire herself. Hell yeah. And that empire includes running things at Parkwood Entertainment, where she’s the founder and CEO.

She’s partnered on an Athleisure brand and vegan food delivery service.

Harvard Business School did a case study after she surprise-dropped her self-titled album in 2013.

She’s been given full control of the cover of this September issue of Vogue. That never happens. And in the process she helped bring on the first African-American photographer, Tyler Mitchell, to shoot a cover of the magazine, which is 126 years old, by the way.

I could go on. She’s constantly changing the rules of the game.

She’s a business woman and a business, woman!

Oh, and she also has three kids. She makes it all look so easy. But she also openly talks about how difficult it can be.

In her music, she works through her struggles with her career, relationships and ideas, including feminism.

When Beyoncé declared herself a feminist in a 2014 performance, some people hated it. In their view she was not a perfect example of what it means to be an empowered woman. But writer Ginger McKnight-Chavers argues there’s so much that we can learn from Beyoncé’s journey — and her struggle for empowerment. She spoke with BTSW hosts Eula Scott Bynoe and Jeannie Yandel about it.

Let’s listen.

[asset-images[{"caption": "Excerpt from Laser Beyonce, by laser artist Gabriel Espinoza, at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle.", "fid": "146494", "style": "placed_left", "uri": "public://201808/laserbey.gif", "attribution": "Credit KUOW Photo/Megan Farmer"}]]This is an edited excerpt from Battle Tactics For Your Sexist Workplace, a new podcast from KUOW Public Radio in Seattle.

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Follow BTSW on Twitter and Instagram. And share your stories: Have you struggled with the label of feminism? Email Eula and Jeannie at or join the conversation in our Facebook group. Your comments may help inspire future episodes.