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Motherhood, through thick and thin


Over the weekend, protesters gathered at Sea-Tac Airport, where almost two hundred female asylum seekers are being detained. Many of the women are mothers; they were separated from their children upon being placed in detention. Most of the children are not being held in Washington state. US Representative Pramila Jayapal visited the jail to meet with some of the detainees; she joined Bill Radke in studio to talk about what they shared with her.

Angela Garbes' new book, "Like a Mother", begins with the story of a miscarriage. It goes on to explore the science, history, contradictions, and promising new research surrounding pregnancy. She joined Radke along with her mother Josie and three-month-old daughter Ligaya.

In recapping the weekend, Hsiao-Ching Chou and Andrea Otanez remember Anthony Bourdain. Amid graduation season, they also discussed what teens who've experienced school shootings will take with them when they go out into the world.