Seattle real estate is hot, and getting hotter. One thing that might not be helping? Rent-bidding. It allows an apartment to be rented by the highest bidder. But does that drive up prices? KUOW's Paige Browning explains why the city is considering a ban.
If you're feeling down in the mouth about the way the world is going, Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker has good news for you. His latest book, "Enlightenment Now," argues that the world is on a long upward swing. And while nothing is perfect, we have the tools we need to keep improving our societies and planet.
And, Din Tai Fung comes to Safeco Field. Do you feel better about the Mariners' losing streak if you can drown your sorrows in dumplings? (Not soup dumplings, however: there are limits to this gourmet baseball revolution.) Livewire and TBTL host Luke Burbank and food writer Naomi Tomky pontificate about the brave new world of eating your feelings at the ballgame.
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