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Carmen Maria Machado's 'The Husband Stitch'

Courtesy of Carmen Maria Machado/Art Streiber
Author Carmen Maria Machado

There have been so many momentous days recently. Today, for instance, women around the U.S. and the world (and their allies) are participating in the second annual Women’s March. Yesterday, Congress shut down the government due to differences over border security and immigration.

So, when you have a quiet moment, here’s a strange and momentous story that has nothing and everything to do with the events of a single day. Carmen Maria Machado’s debut short story collection “Her Body and Other Parties” is striking a chord among literature lovers and critics. The New York Times summed it up this way:

Not since Karen Russell’s “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves,” in 2006, has a debut collection of short stories from a relatively unknown author garnered such attention, or deserved it more.

Machado was short-listed for the National Book Award. That delayed her trip to Seattle. When she got here, she took the opportunity to read the story she calls her hit single, “The Husband Stitch.”

Carmen Maria Machado gave this reading on January 18 at The Seattle Public Library’s Central Library.

Please note: This recording contains unedited language of an adult nature.

Listen to the full version below:

Year started with KUOW: 2006