Recent allegations against actor Aziz Ansari have launched a thousand thinkpieces. Depending on your point of view, this is either a death knell to the #metoo movement or just another link in patriarchy's mighty armor.
When local author Katie Anthony first heard the story, her kneejerk reaction was, "Really? That's just a bad date — we've all been on them."
But that reaction made her uncomfortable, so she sat with the idea a bit longer. That process resulted in a blog post, whose genesis she sums up this way: "I believe her; I don't agree with her. I'm telling you this not because I think she is wrong, but because I think I am."
[asset-images[{"caption": "Katie Anthony is the power behind the blog KatyKatiKate, and the podcast Mouthy Messy Mandatory.", "fid": "142037", "style": "placed_left", "uri": "public://201801/katie_headshot.jpg", "attribution": "Credit KUOW Photo/Adwoa Gyimah-Brempong"}]]Anthony spoke to Bill Radke about our culture of consent and women's instincts to "pre-emptively minimize our experiences before other people minimize them for us.'"
They were joined in the conversation by two other local authors who've written about the Ansari story, Katie Herzog and Erica C. Barnett.