There’s a rap against Hillary Rodham Clinton: that she’s cold, robotic. That was certainly not the persona she presented on her visit to Seattle this week. If Clinton were a robot, she’d be the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em variety, with a healthy dash of reflective and forward-thinking feminist, doting grandmother and super-sharp political analyst.
Clinton was on the road with her new book, “What Happened.” The work is a reflection on her failed run for president, and how she is recovering from the loss. Clinton was the first female presidential candidate in the United States to be nominated by a major party.
“I thought that of all the people who might run, I had the most relevant experience, meaningful accomplishments, and ambitious but achievable proposals, as well as the temperament to get things done in Washington.” -Hillary Clinton
Here, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state addresses a sold-out, raucous crowd at The Paramount Theatre, then chats with author Anne Lamott about a wide variety of political and social issues, and finally, the question of hope.
The Seattle Theatre Group presented “Hillary Clinton Live” on December 11. Jennie Cecil Moore recorded the event.
Listen to the full version below: