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Will souls be saved, or sacrificed? Sandbox Radio calls 'Mayday!'

If you love radio theatre you may find yourself seeking out the classics — online, on AM radio, or at your local library. There’s something about how those stories were told that still fascinates. They draw folks  into a reverie of imagination, suspense, drama and humor.

Well, there’s also a wonderfully retro but thoroughly modern option you may not have considered. The writers and performers who make up Seattle’s Sandbox Radio troupe do an amazing job of keeping radio theatre vibrant and current. The Stranger called their work "crackling...electrifying...fresh, joyful and awesome."

Our presentation of their latest production “Mayday! Mayday!” features the following performances:

  • "Poor Richard’s Almanack," by Benjamin Franklin, adapted by Leslie Law and Richard Ziman
  • "PSA: The Center For Wooden Boats," by Peter Doolan and Peggy Platt
  • "Excerpt from 'Dragon Lady,'” written and performed by Sara Porkalob
  • "PSA: American Library Association," by Scot Augustson featuring Nancy Pearl 
  • "Beyond The Box: Druid-Wood Lane," by Elizabeth Heffron

Sandbox Radio is produced and directed by Leslie Law and Richard Ziman, with music direction this time by Angie Louise.

“Mayday! Mayday!” was performed at Town Hall Seattle on May 1. Their next one-night-only show “A New Leaf” is coming up on June 19 at Town Hall Seattle.

Please note: This recording contains unedited language of an adult nature.

Year started with KUOW: 2006