Author Lori Tsugawa Whaley grew up in a rural, mostly white community disconnected from her Japanese heritage. She didn’t even realize there was something different about her until she faced teasing and prejudice in grade school.
Later in life she followed the advice of a mentor who encouraged her to explore her link to Japanese history and culture. That journey led her to a study of Bushido, the samurai code known as “the way of the warrior.”
Tsugawa Whaley’s book “The Courage of a Samurai” promotes the principles of Bushido — courage, integrity, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor, loyalty, and ganbaru (persistence) — as a guide for modern life and the ethical choices we make every day.
In this talk, she shares inspirations from the samurai way and stories she uncovered about the lives of her family members and generations of Japanese-Americans. She spoke at The University Book Store on January 25.