The Sandbox Radio troupe brings radio theatre to life with their always original, often surprising work. Our presentation of their “New And Improved?” episode features the following performances:
- "The Newsux Room," by Wayne Rawley
- "The Caterpillar’s Dilemma," by Scot Augustson
- "The Vestigial Gang," by Juliet Waller Pruzan
- "Worlds Apart," written and performed by Willie Weir
- "Doc & Mercer’s Mostly True History of Seattle: The Viaductine Follies," by Elizabeth Heffron
Sandbox Radio is produced and directed by Leslie Law and Richard Ziman. “New And Improved?” was performed at ACT Theatre on December 30, 2016. Their next one night only show, “In Like A Lion,” is coming up on March 6 at Town Hall Seattle.