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00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f2bba0000Seattle is growing like crazy. But it’s not the only place in our region that’s taking off. KUOW’s Region of Boom team is looking at the impact of Seattle’s growth on communities within a commuting range of about an hour away to see how they are adapting to the pressures of growth.Black Diamond is a former coal town that is on the verge of big development. We're looking at how those tensions are playing out in a small community that could rapidly become a lot larger.We’ll be turning to other communities in the coming months. Have a story for us? Or want to let us know where to go next?00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f2bbb0000

How a 4,000 person town feels about getting 15,000 new neighbors

KUOW Photo/Kara McDermott
Notice of Proposed Land Use Action signs are ubiquitous in Black Diamond. The planned development will eventually bring 6,000 new homes to the area.

Residents of Black Diamond, Washington tell KUOW Producer Posey Gruener about their hometown  and what they think of a planned development that will significantly change it.