Protesters take to Sea-Tac and airports around the country – and Washington state goes to court – over President Trump's executive order restricting travel to the U.S. from seven majority-Muslim nations.
Seattle votes to take its money elsewhere over the Dakota Access Pipeline and floats a new approach to homeless encampments around the city.
And UC Berkeley cancels an appearance by Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos over security concerns, sparking debate over free speech on campus.
Listen to the live discussion Fridays at noon and join the conversation on Twitter at #KUOWwir.
Get caught up on the news:
NPR: Washington State Sues Trump, Seeking A Stay On Immigration Ban
Crosscut: I'm a Republican, and I'm joining the protests
Seattle Times: Seattle moves ahead with new rules for homeless-camp cleanup
Seattle Times: Breitbart editor's Berkeley talk nixed amid violent protest
Our panel this week:
Bill Radke @KUOWRadke, host
Tina Podlodowski @TinaPo, Washington State Democratic Party chair
Erica C. Barnett @EricaCBarnett, writer at The C is For Crank
Chris Vance @ChrisVance123, public affairs consultant and former Washington State Republican Party chair