How did the first presidential debate play here in Washington? What did we learn from the second debate between Governor Jay Inslee and challenger Bill Bryant? And the Barefoot Bandit is out of prison and has a new job … working for his lawyer?
We'll talk about these stories and more on KUOW’s Week in Review.
Get caught up on the issues:
- The News Tribune: Gov. Inslee a fixer or a mess maker? Candidates for governor debate
- Q13: Newly released ex-con ‘Barefoot Bandit’ gets job with a surprising employer
- Guest host C.R. Douglas @crdouglasq13fox, is a political news analyst for Q13.
- Erica C. Barnett @ericacbarnett, writes at The C is for Crank.
- Joni Balter @jbalter, is the host of Civic Cocktail on the Seattle Channel.
- Rob McKenna @robmckenna, is the former attorney general of Washington state.