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This week we ask what unites us and what divides us

History was made at the Democratic National Convention this week when Hillary Clinton became the first woman to receive a presidential nomination from a major party in the United States. We’ll talk about the convention, Hillary’s moment, and party unity. What is party unity, anyway? And why does it matter? 

The race for Lieutenant Governor is heating up. Before you cast your vote on August 2nd, consider: what’s the role of Lieutenant Governor and how would these candidates change that role?          

Also, would you eat a bug? Why or why not?

We'll cover these stories and more on Week In Review.

Listen to the live discussion Friday at noon. Join in by following @KUOW and using #KUOWwir  (we may share your comments on air). Audio from the show will be added to this post by 3 p.m.

Get caught up:


Bill Radke @KUOWRadke, host

Rob McKenna ​@robmckenna, is the former Attorney General of Washington State

Joni Balter @jbalter, is the host of Civic Cocktail on the Seattle Channel

Zaki Hamid @ZakiSeapod, is a program director at Humanities Washington

Year started with KUOW: 1985 – 1986, 1991 – 2004, 2012
To see more of Amina's KUOW portfolio, visit our current site.