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This week we're asking if we can do more

week in review radke
KUOW/Bond Huberman
Today's panel featured Claudia Balducci, Zaki Hamid, Bill Radke and Ijeoma Oluo

On Wednesday Seattle media devoted their coverage to people experiencing  homelessness. That same day billionaire Paul Allen announced he would invest $1 million to build 13 units in Columbia City for people who are homeless. Is this a workable solution? 

Top read: This little yellow house tells the story of Seattle

Earlier this year two Seattle police officers shot and killed a man named Che Taylor. This week the Seattle Police Department’s Force Review Board ruled that the shooting was “reasonable.” Are these shootings happening because the police have a problem with implicit bias?      

The Sound Transit 3 plan is ready for your ballot this November, but are we ready for it? Is Sound Transit moving too fast with this major transportation plan?

Also, when will we start leaving seal pups alone?

We'll tackle these subjects and more on Week in Review.

Listen to the live discussion Friday at noon. Follow @KUOW and add your comments and questions using #KUOWwir (we may share your tweets on air). Audio from the show will be available online to listen or podcast by 3 p.m.

Get caught up on the issues:

Seattle media all in on #SeaHomeless project

What will the small steel houses for the homeless be like?

Seattle police review board find shooting of Che Taylor ‘reasonable’

NOAA: Don’t touch the seal pups


Bill Radke @KUOWRadke, host

Zaki Hamid, @ZakiSeapod, is a program director at Humanities Washington.

Claudia Balducci, @KCC_Claudia, is a King County Councilmember.

Ijeoma Oluo, @IjeomaOluo,  is a local writer and the editor at large for The Establishment.

Year started with KUOW: 1985 – 1986, 1991 – 2004, 2012
To see more of Amina's KUOW portfolio, visit our current site.