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00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f2b0b0001Talking about the end of life is mostly a taboo topic in our culture. Few people are comfortable with it.But having those difficult discussions, either with ourselves, or with loved ones, is critical. Communicating our wishes can make a difference in quality of life, even as life is ending.In this series, reporter Ruby de Luna explores how families and doctors are tackling these conversations. Series edited by Carol Smith.Join the conversation on Twitter using #VitalTalk.WATCH: KUOW hosts a Death Over Dinner conversation featuring host Ross Reynolds and an expert panel.

Overcoming The Death Taboo By Just Talking About It

Hospital chaplain Trudy James.
Screenshot from YouTube
Hospital chaplain Trudy James.

Ross Reynolds speaks with hospital chaplain Trudy James who for 30 years has encouraged and facilitated conversations about how people want to die, and how they want to live at the end of their lives. A new Seattle-produced documentary film called "Speaking of Dying" looks at her work.