Did you know E.B. White was fired by the Seattle Times in 1923? You’ll learn about that and other curiosities in this Yuletide episode of Speakers Forum.
It features stories by White, John Updike, Ken Kesey, Vladimir Nabokov and a spoof on Clement Clark Moore’s “A Visit from St. Nicholas.”
Our faithful rogues included Paul Dorpat, Jean Sherrard, Randy Hoffmeyer, Marianne Owen, David Skovar and Seattle indie American band Pineola.
A Rogue’s Christmas was presented on December 14 by Town Hall Seattle as part of the Arts & Culture series and Short Stories Live.
Sponsors include City Arts and the Thurston Charitable Foundation. Thanks to Jennie Cecil-Moore for this recording.
And from everyone here at KUOW and Speakers Forum, best wishes for happy holidays and a healthy and prosperous 2015.