Former Clinton-era Labor Secretary Robert Reich visited Seattle recently to encourage supporters of the 15Now campaign and to try to win over skeptics.
Reich is vocal in his conviction that income inequality is a lose-lose proposition. He says Henry Ford got it right when he paid his assembly line workers twice the going rate. Ford knew other companies would compete to match his wages, and that’s the only way workers could afford to buy a Ford.
Reich is currently a professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the 20th century. His latest book, "Beyond Outrage," is now out in paperback. His recent film, "Inequality for All," is widely available.
Town Hall Seattle, The Elliott Bay Book Company and Working Washington presented this talk on September 27 as part of the Reclaiming Prosperity series.
The series is supported by The Boeing Company, the RealNetworks Foundation, and the True-Brown Foundation.
Series media sponsorship provided by The Stranger and KUOW. Thanks to Sam Kollar for this recording.