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5 Recipes To Get Your Necessary Nourishment After High Endurance Training

Flickr Photo/whitneyinchicago
Nutritionist Mary Purdy suggests lentil soup as a way to get needed protein and carbs after a workout.

Marcie Sillman talks to clinical nutritionist Mary Purdy about the nourishment needed for training.

Purdy explains why you need nourishment after long workouts. You need to replenish your glycogen stores (the principle storage form of glucose, which your body uses for energy) with carbohydrates. Protein is also important, to help rebuild and repair your muscle.

A brisk walk around the block won't require a heavy meal, but an hour of zumba, spin class, running or swimming does.

Every body is different but the average person needs approximately 0.3 - 0.6 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight and about 10 - 25 grams of protein within 30 minutes of finishing a workout.

Purdy gave us a few tips and suggestions to for a post-workout meal. Here are Mary's 5 suggestions for mini post-workout meals:

Protein Smoothie

Add 1 banana, ¾ cup blueberries, 8 oz. unsweetened almond milk and 1 scoop of protein powder to a blender; but stay clear of soy protein isolate which is often highly processed and not an optimal source of protein. If you’re bold, throw in some spinach for increased vitamins and minerals.  You won’t taste it, she promises!

Two Fried Eggs, One Cup Whole Grains, Topped With Salsa

A cup of quinoa tastes yummy with eggs and a couple tablespoons of medium heat salsa. No time to cook?  Two hard-boiled eggs and a Flax 4 Life Muffin can offer a similar profile.

Smoked Salmon On Whole Grain Bread With Avocado

A slice of whole grain bread has about 20 grams of carbs per slice. Add a slice of smoked salmon and a touch of avocado. Careful of too much avocado though as fat slows down digestion and the point is to get the protein and carbs digested more rapidly.

Greek Yogurt, Berries, Nuts And Maple Syrup

Combine one cup Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup berries and a 1/4 cup of almonds or walnuts. Add a drizzle of maple syrup on top. Greek yogurt usually boasts around 15 grams of protein and also has carbs to combine with those from the fruit.  Nuts are always a nice topping and add a little extra flavor and a smattering of protein too.

Lentil Soup

Warm up a can of lentil soup. This usually gives you about 16 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbs depending on the brand.  Do be mindful of the sodium which can get up to 1000 millograms per can - half your daily need!

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