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How To Grow An Urban Village In Ballard

Flickr Photo/Sean Oliver (CC BY-NC-ND)

Seattle is expecting 120,000 new residents over the next 20 years. To guide its growth, the city is currently drawing up a new comprehensive plan called, Seattle 2035.

City officials are seeking public input on the three options on the table: urban centers, urban villages and transit.

Urban centers would focus growth in downtown, the University District and Northgate. The transit option would focus growth near light rail and high-speed bus lines.

Ross Reynolds meets up with Scott Ingham, co-chair of the Ballard Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, to talk about the third option of urban village strategy.

Ballard is one of the focus neighborhoods under this option. Ingham talks about how the last comprehensive plan affected the area and what he hopes the next plan will accomplish in the future.