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Welcome KUOW's Spring 2014 RadioActive Youth Producers

KUOW's RadioActive Youth Media is proud to offer our spring radio journalism workshop for youth ages 16-18. Six students will spend 11 weeks learning what it means to be a journalist. During that time, they'll gain the skills to create radio stories. Each of them will do all of the research, interviews, writing, voicing and editing to produce their own feature story for

Leija Farr, Sophomore, Cleveland High School

I have always been obsessed with writing. Writing is my possession that I love to keep. I love the fact that I have mentors around me that help me do my best. I love being challenged. Making a difference is my passion.

Listen to a story about Leija by Josh (MP3)

Josh Medina, Junior, Homeschooled

I’ve been told that I’m a storyteller. Maybe it’s my passion for narrative? Perhaps it’s my fixation for fiction? I don't know. But what I do know is that I’ve always seen “free time” as a struggle between consuming content and creating my own. As a media junkie I’m fascinated with the way stories impact the world around us. To me, media reflects a side of culture that you just can’t find in history textbooks or sociology lectures. When I turn on the morning radio or binge-watch the newest season of House of Cards, I can’t help but see cultural history in the making. I want to be a part of that. My name is Josh, and I want to tell a story.

Listen to a story about Josh by Leija (MP3)

Mohamed Mohamed, Junior, Cleveland High School

Aside from playing basketball my whole life, writing has been my other talent. It all started for me when I voted myself in for the editor of my 6th grade yearbook. Soon after that I continued to peruse writing and started uploading blogs on Puget Sound Off about my everyday life. I love learning new ways to write and sharing my ideas with people.

Listen to a story about Mohamed by Alicia (MP3)

Alicia Quarles, Senior, Renton High School

I am a writer and a traveler. In the years that I’ve been alive, I’ve learned how to express myself through poetry, living all around the country, abroad and taking risks. I am Chief Storyteller at the Renton High School Arrow Newsmagazine, and I love being a student journalist. With a Puerto Rican mother and a black father, I’ve lived a multicultural life: speaking two languages and immersing myself in different cultures. I will be at university this fall, and I can’t wait for the upcoming experiences coming my way.

Listen to a story about Alicia by Mohamed (MP3)

Walter Stanton, Senior, Renton High School

I was born and raised in King County, growing up in Kent and then Renton. Until the 9th grade I did not have any hobbies to mention, but during second semester I enrolled in video production. I excelled at narrative writing and developed skills as a storyteller, creating scripts and writing brief story outlines for class. I enjoy learning about history and hearing accounts of battles, as well as true events that are stranger than fiction. I was encouraged to apply for the RadioActive workshop by my video production teacher of four years Mrs. Johnson.

Listen to a story about Walter by Kimberlee (MP3)

Kimberlee Williams, Junior, TAF Academy

The number one thing that you should know about me is that I love seeing people happy. Learning and physics are the next things that I love. You can always find me doing weird searches for random things because learning new things is always exciting. Hopefully this love for learning will carry on and inspire other people to share and find new things that they love.

Listen to a story about Kimberlee by Walter (MP3)

Find past participants of RadioActive workshops here.