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Peanuts: From Hog Food To Gourmet Spread

Jon Krampner's book "Creamy and Crunchy."

Steve Scher talks with Jon Krampner, author of "Creamy and Crunchy: An Informal History of Peanut Butter, the All-American Food," about how peanuts went from hog food to the organic peanut butter that we spend $8 on today.

The "Simon and Garfunkel" PB Sandwich

Yield: 1 sandwich

1 whole wheat bagel
Peanut butter
Thin slab of mozzarella cheese
Olive oil
2-3 cremini or other small mushrooms
Small amount of spinach
1 clove garlic, crushed
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Slice of tomato
Slice of lemon

Cut bagel in half. Spread a layer of peanut butter on one side and place the slice of mozzarella on top.

Heat up olive oil. Cut up mushrooms, sauté in olive oil and sprinkle with pepper.

Add spinach to mushrooms while they’re being sautéed and sprinkle with pepper.

Drain excess oil from frying pan; put mushrooms and spinach on peanut butter side of bagel.

Spread crushed garlic on other half of bagel and sprinkle garlic side of bagel with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Place a slice of tomato on peanut butter/mozzarella/vegetable side of bagel.

Squeeze lemon slice through strainer or colander onto both sides of bagel.

Put both sides together and cut in half.

Find more peanut butter recipes.