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The Three Interfaith Amigos On Compassion

Interfaith Amigos
Flickr Photo/University of Denver
The Interfaith Amigos: Imam Jamal Rahman, Pastor Don Mackenzie and Rabbi Ted Falcon.

Given all the chaos in Washington ,D.C., we got to thinking about how political compromise comes about.  One factor may be the ability to put yourself in your antagonist’s shoes. In other words, to have a little compassion. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary the word compassion is defined as “sympathetic consciousness of others distress together with a desire to alleviate that distress.”

The Interfaith Amigos often think about compassion. They’re regular guests on KUOW and we invited Imam Jamal Rahman, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Pastor Don Mackenzie to talk about how you act on compassion and what the differences are between compassion and empathy.

Produced by Amina al-Sadi.