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Pioneer Square Public Toilet Plan On Hold?

Flickr Photo/Ian Fisher

The problem of public toilets in Pioneer Square has been ongoing and unsolved.

A Pioneer Square merchant built a guerilla porta-potty because the aroma from the alley next door getting to be too much. The city spent millions on self-cleaning toilets but ended up pulling them out because of issues with drugs and prostitution. The city ended up selling the toilets on eBay in 2008.

Is there finally a solution in sight? Until a few days ago, the Seattle City Council had a tentative deal with a local developer to bring a public toilet to Pioneer Square. In exchange for adding 30 feet of height to its Pioneer Square building, developer Urban Visions was going to purchase a $250,000 “Portland Loo” for the city.

But for now, the deal may be on hold. The company says it's waiting for the City Council to review an amendment to the land use code. In the event the deal falls through, Mayor Mike McGinn says he will include funds for a new loo in his 2014 budget proposal. City Councilmember Nick Licata sorted out the situation with Ross Reynolds.

Produced by Andy Hurst.