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00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f297d0000September marks the fifth anniversary of the economic meltdown on Wall Street. Investment giant Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, AIG took a government bailout in the billions and the Dow had the biggest single day loss in history.As the national economy convulsed in the great downturn of 2008, the Puget Sound region remained a relative bright spot compared with other parts of the country.We didn’t get hit as hard, and we bounced back more quickly. Our Big Reset series looks at how our region has emerged from the Great Recession, why we are so resilient and what challenges we still face.Tell us about your experiences since the recession. Email us, visit us on Facebook or Tweet using hashtag #thebigreset.00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f297d0001Photos by Jake Warga.

Public Safety, Pope's Call For Balance, And Other Stories Of The Week

Flickr Photo/Semilla Luz

It’s Friday — time to talk over the week’s news with Joni Balter of the Seattle Times, Crosscut's Knute Berger and Eli Sanders of The Stranger. 

A shooting at the Navy Yard in DC and a fatal stabbing in Seattle's Pioneer Square again raise questions about public safety and mental health care. Seattle's race for mayor sees a new round of polling and endorsements. Plus, Pope Francis says Catholics need to find "a new balance" on issues like abortion and homosexuality.
What stories were you following this week?
Produced by Jason Pagano.