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Call-In: Road Trip Lessons, And The Rare Female Detective

Flickr Photo/Vinicius Depizzol

Call-In: Lessons Learned From Your Worst Road Trip
The most memorable road trips are often those that don’t go well. What lesson did you learn from your worst road trip? We want to hear the funny, the horrifying, the enlightening stories you gathered on the road; call us at 206.543.5869 or 800.289.5869.

Radio Retrospective: The Rare Female Detective
During radio’s golden age, detective shows were a very popular genre.  There were well over 120 detective shows about men, and only about 44 featuring a woman. Who were those women, and were the shows any good?

Recommended Eating
Food writer Sara Dickerman joins us with a lunch recommendation. The weather has been nice around Seattle lately, how about a picnic?  Dickerman gives tips on where to stock up. Prefer to cook for yourself? She also has a pick for a great cookbook!