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Getting Fresh With Ross And Sheryl: Your Fava-orite Bean Edition

Flickr Photo/luvjnx

This week Sheryl Wiser talks with Ross Reynolds about fava beans and radishes. She swears that both are good for more than just a creative play in Scrabble. Did you know that radishes have their own holiday in Oaxaca, Mexico? It is true  — La Noche de Los Rabanos is celebrated yearly on December 23. We learn about that and more in this week's edition of "Getting Fresh with Ross and Sheryl."

[asset-images[{"caption": "Pink Beauty Radishes are this week's pick at the farmers market.", "fid": "4702", "style": "placed_wide", "uri": "public://201307/Pink_Beauty_Radishes.JPG", "attribution": "Credit Sheryl Wiser"}]]