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How To Survive An Earthquake, And Greendays

Flickr Photo/Martin Cathrae

 Seattle’s Egyptian Theatre To Close
One of Seattle’s landmark movie theaters is set to close at the end of the month. The Egyptian Theatre will close its doors on June 27. The Capitol Hill Seattle blog had the story over the weekend. Justin Carder, publisher of the Capitol Hill Seattle blog discusses the closure.

Earthquake Preparedness
We all now know a mega 9.0 earthquake is due to ravage the Northwest sometime between now and the next 400 years. We just don’t know when. So how do you prepare for that? John Schelling is the Earthquake/Tsunami Program Manager for Washington State Emergency Management Division, he explains the best practices for earthquake preparedness and safety tips.

For more information, visit the Puget Sound Offices of Emergency Management.

Greendays Gardening Panel
Our gardening panel includes a flower expert, native plant expert, and vegetable gardening expert.  They answer your gardening questions every Tuesday.