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Art Of Our City, And Dan Savage

Dan Savage's book "American Savage," photo by © LaRae Lobdell

Art Of Our City
You may not know his name, but you’ve probably seen Seattle-based artist Buster Simpson’s work.  On First Avenue, you’ll find a couple of stone benches made by Simpson more than three decades ago, partly so the Belltown homeless people would have a place to sit.  He’s installed some creative downspouts on buildings on Belltown’s Vine Street, part of an unrealized project that would crack open the asphalt that covers the street and turn Vine into a green belt that runs into Elliot Bay.  Buster Simpson almost always works in public, and almost always addresses issues that affect our natural and built environment.  The Frye Museum has mounted a 40 year retrospective.  It’s called “Buster Simpson: Surveyor.”

Dan Savage On Faith, Sex, Love And Politics
Dan Savage is an author, activist and nationally syndicated columnist. He writes the weekly “Savage Love” column and hosts Savage Lovecast, one of the most downloaded podcasts on iTunes. In 2010, Savage and his husband Terry Miller launched the It Gets Better online video project to help LGBT teens. In his latest book “American Savage: Insights, Slights, and Fights on Faith, Sex, Love, and Politics,” he explores issues such as health care, gun control, marriage equality and more.