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Patent Trolls, Dinosaurs, And The Golden Age Of Radio

Brian Sweetek's book "My Beloved Brontosaurus."

Patent Trolls Explained
This week President Obama proposed a series of reforms to crack down on “patent trolls.” One proposal would require patent holders to disclose their ties to other companies. We talk with professor Sean O’Connor of the University of Washington School of Law about whether or not patent trolls can be tamed by Congress.

New Science Meets Our Favorite Dinosaurs
The creatures that have run, soared, slithered, paddled, pulsed and gyrated across water, sea and sky captivate our imaginations. Continuing research brings new theories, new data and new fossils to study.  Brian Sweetek writes about our evolving understanding in “My Beloved Brontosaurus: On the Road with Old Bones, New Science, and Our Favorite Dinosaurs.”

Radio Retrospective: Who Played It Better?
Shows like “The Shadow” and “The Lone Ranger” had decade long runs during radio’s Golden Age.  If an actor playing the title role resigned, executives hired someone new to play the part. Who played it better?  We attempt to answer that question by listening to different actors playing the same role.

Recommended Eating
Food writer Sara Dickerman joins us with a lunch recommendation. Prefer to cook for yourself? She also has a pick for a great cookbook!