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Marjorie Manwaring's "Letter From Zelda"

Portrait of Zelda Fitzgerald

In "Letter from Zelda," poet Marjorie Manwaring creates an imaginary letter to F. Scott Fitzgerald, written by his wife Zelda from her room in a mental hospital.

The Fitzgeralds were celebrities in the Jazz Age of the 1920s, and F. Scott became famous for his novels, including "The Great Gatsby."   Zelda was also a talented writer, though she never achieved the kind of success she craved.

"Letter from Zelda" was originally published online in the DMQ Review; you can read it online. It also appears in Manwaring's collection, "Search for a Velvet-Lined Cape" (Mayapple Press, 2013).

Marjorie Manwaring was recorded in the KUOW studios on March 22, 2013.