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Your Take On The News: IRS, NBA And DUI

Flickr Photo/Tom Lohdan

The White House has received a lot of criticism this week over three issues that have gained national attention. A series of emails were released by the White House in relation to the Benghazi hearing. The IRS seems to have been targeting political leaning groups, in particular conservative ones, for audits. Journalists from the Associated Press had their phone records obtained by the government without their knowledge. How do these latest controversies effect the political climate in Washington D.C.?

Also, Washington Governor Jay Inslee has unveiled his top three budget priorities for the special session, the National Transportation Safety Board wants to lower the legal alcohol limit to 0.05, and 400 people showed up to a King County Council meeting this week to object to the potential cuts in bus service.

Finally, will this be the last time that Eli Sanders, C.R. Douglas and Knute Berger have to talk about the NBA, the Sacramento Kings and the Sonics on our panel?

Write to us at to tell us what news stories you have been following this week.