NBA Says No To Seattle
The NBA has thrown cold water on Chris Hansen’s plans to bring the Sonics back to Seattle. The league’s relocation committee voted unanimously to keep the Kings in Sacramento. Art Thiel writes that Seattle can be to the NBA what Los Angeles is to NFL. Seattle still waits at the altar for an expansion team.
Jon Talton: Not Just An Economics Columnist
Jon Talton frequently analyzes business in the Pacific Northwest on Weekday, but he’s not just an economics columnist. He’s also a mystery writer. "The Night Detectives" is his 10th novel. It takes us from the familiar haunts of Phoenix to the seedy side of San Diego with his main character, David Mapstone.
Jay Inlsee’s Bottom Line
Governor Jay Inlsee says his bottom line is ending tax breaks and adding new tax revenue to the state budget. He will get that chance to draw that line in the special legislative session he has called for in two weeks.
The Weather And Hike Of The Week
Michael Fagin suggests a hike that matches the week’s weather forecast.